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Back pain is infamous, notorious, wicked and any other word of the kind. There is perhaps nothing as crippling as back pain, and anyone who has suffered from it knows this all too well. Leading an active lifestyle, lifting tools, and taking special precautions can help ease or even prevent back pain with age. We have here for you five tips for avoiding back pain that you need to know.

1. Keep Back Straight and Knees Bent

At some point in life, we all do some heavy lifting. To prevent disastrous injuries that can leave one with permanent issues the strategy is simple: knees bent, back straight. Keeping your back straight and your knees bent properly helps distribute weight correctly when lifting and can prevent injuries. Back braces and other lift helpers can also be a big help as they provide additional support.

2. Exercising Your Core and Stretching

An active lifestyle makes a world of difference when it comes to your health. Keeping your core strength up and stretching daily can help prevent back issues. Sedentary lifestyles are detrimental to your back, particularly for those individuals who sit for long periods. Uncomfortable chairs can worsen matters and lead to back issues that become chronic. Exercising for as little as one hour can help fight the effects of eight hours of sitting.

3. Lifting Tools

For individuals who perform constant manual labor, the risk of back injury is much higher. Lifting tools can be the difference-maker as they provide assistance during heavy lifts and minimize the risk of injury. Tools like Lift Lender are tailored for various lifting situations and are easy to use; this makes them indispensable. A single handle at the end provides a good grip for repetitive lifting tasks, and its design makes it easy to get underneath heavy objects. Of the many lifting tools out there, Lift Lender provides the most versatility.

4. Anti-Inflammatory Foods

Dieting may not be the first thing you think of when looking to eliminate back pain but maybe you should. Anti-inflammatory foods can help soothe your back issues and provide an overall healthier lifestyle. Turmeric is an excellent choice due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Avocados, broccoli, fish oil, and many other foods are rich in bio-active compounds that soothe the body and strengthen it too.

5. Sleeping on Your Side

Most people are doing sleeping wrong. If you are sleeping face down and your pillow is unusually high, you are straining your back. Sleeping on your side allows your back to rest from supporting your weight throughout the day indeed. Sleeping on your side also allows your spine to remain in its natural position while you rest. It’s the little things that make a difference, but they go a long way.

Protecting your back as you age is essential to a better life. Whether it is lifting tools, getting proper rest, eating right or more, you cannot be too careful. Remember that anti-inflammatories like blueberries can help and crafty lifting tools like Lift Lender also. Keep active and protect your back from injury in any way you can; this investment down the road will give you a good return.